Shruthi Hassan

Shruthi Hassan

Artist : Shruti Haasan
Born on :  28 January 1986
Biography :

Shruti Haasan is an Indian film actress and singer who works predominantly in Telugu,Tamil and Hindi language films. Born to the prominent Haasan family, she is the daughter of legendary actor Kamal Haasan and Sarika. She has studied at Abacus in Chennai, til 10th grade, when she moved to Mumbai to study psychology at St Andrew's College. She debuted as a child artist in movie "Hey Ram" in the role of a daughter of Sardar Vallab Bhai Patel. After that she was appeared in "Luck" movie as a lead actress. Apart from acting, Shruti Haasan an amazing singer and sung as a playback singer in many films including Chachi 420 (1997), Thevar Magan (1992), Luck (2009), Hey Ram (2000) etc.
Awards:   Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer

Puli, Race Gurram, Vedalam, Vaaranam Aayiram, Yennamo Yedho, Hey Ram, Unnaipol Oruvan, Aagadu, Luck, Idhu Namma Aalu and Many more
How can I book Shruti Hassan for a show or Event ?
Celebsbooking which is the India's Best celebrity engagement platform makes the job easy for you to contact Shruti Hassan. Once we receive your booking enquiry through celebsbooking we will share the availability and quote of Shruti Hassan with you. We will also discuss the performance contract with you. Once it's signed you will be able to pay an advance to confirm the booking of Shruti Hassan. During the show we will be involved to make sure it's a hit.
How much does Shruti Hassan charge for a show or event?
You will get the latest show fees of Shruti Hassan after you fill the enquiry form of Celebsbooking. Celebsbooking. will send the quote on email and sms to you. So press BOOK to start filling the form. Our agents normally reply quickly however kindly wait for 48 hours. This is to allow Shruti Hassan to respond.
Can I get Shruti Hassan's Contact number?
We have direct contact with the representative and we will share all the booking information with you. Beware of anyone offering you the direct phone number of Shruti Hassan.Our aim is to provide you with the best & most accurate contacts information whether you are looking to get in touch with Shruthi Hassan's Management for an endorsement, or Shruthi Hassan agent for an Event or Show.
Do you officially represent Shruti Hassan?
No we do not. Celebsbooking make it easier to connect with the representative of Shruti Hassan.
Shruthi Hassan Contact Information
If you have any questions or query realated our services, you can contact on to Book/ Hire Shruthi Hassan. You can find the Shruthi Hassan booking info & her booking price estimate here within 24 hours after you signin up the Enquiry form. Shruthi Hassan's email, bookings, pricing, hire. contact Shruthi Hassan management, Shruthi Hassan Agent or Manager for business.